Friday, December 3, 2010

October 2010

This is Cali in Haley's baby doll stroller and doll carseat. She fits just right. She is such a happy baby, especially when she gets some extra attention from her brothers.

Rusty took a business trip to Flordia and was gone for 8 days. When he got home we decided to take some time and be together as a family. We went to Riley's Farms and had a great time on a hay ride and picking apples. We took apples right off the tree and ate the whole thing. We filled our bags and took them home to enjoy. It was so fun to be outside on a beautiful day and just walk around the orchards.

Cali is now three months old. She is healthy and growing stronger everyday. We love her so much and she fits in wonderfully into our family.

Haley is such a wonderful big sister. She can usually be found helping one of her younger siblings in some way. We call her our "second little mommy".

Cali the Pumpkin
Bryce the Bee
Carter the Duck
Haley the Cow

We went to the school carnival and the kids all got to dress up in their costumes. They played games, decorated cookies, went fishing, played basketball and even saw a real tarantula.

At the pumpkin patch we did our annual Fall pictures.

The kids saw lots of pumpkins, road on battery powered tractors, watched the animals in the petting zoo, road on a quad train, went on a slide (there were no workers at the slide so they all went down it as many times as they wanted) and road the ponies.

This is Cali and Haley at the same age. They are defiantly sisters!

We started off with some big orange beautiful pumpkins. We drew faces, cut off the tops and cleaned out the seeds and guts. Next was the crash of the bowl that led to glass and pumpkin everywhere and a cut foot that was close to the accident site. After cleaning everything up and finishing the cutting we ended up with four awesome Jack-O-Lanterns.

It was great to have time with our family. The kids all had a great time together. Bryce had fun being with Grandpa and Uncle Kenny. Cali got lots of attention from Grandmas and Grandpas and lots of Aunts and Uncles.

Cali's blessing was beautiful and it was so wonderful to have our family and friends there to support us.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting Started

I have loved using the "GooglePage" website creater. Google decided to take it away and replace it with something that is harder to use. So I decided to go to the Blogging world. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with our ever changing family and let you see whats going on. I have not post anything for a year so I will also try to make up the last year.